Brainstorm NW Ideas
Smart - Provocative - Entertaining
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Religion Lite What is it with religion and Oregon? Religion lite took a hit in the small suburban town of Wilsonville.
Calories and Weight
Calories and Weight information - Resources for weight loss
Supply-side Believers
The two most important pillars of Ronald Reagan’s presidency were his arms build up to counter Soviet aggression and his implementation of supply-side economic theory.
Fast Forward
Can high-speed rail take Oregon to the future on time?
Fear and Self-loathing
And Americans — groan — have now been forced to return to the 24-hour news cycle
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Paying It Forward
Lives of Hope, Success, and Freedom From Addiction Distinguish De Paul Freedom Award Winners
Kulongoski's Way
Kulongoski entered the governor’s office near the end of a recession that began under President
Clinton. It was a relatively mild recession nationally and was further softened by President Bush’s tax cuts. Oregon
did not fair quite so well.
Fabulous Furs
Fabulous Furs Hit the Fashion Radar.
Rice Cookbooks
Brainstorm's Rice cookbooks recommendations
Redefining the Green Standard
Innovative certification alternative could make more builders go green.
Anxiety and the American Spirit
When was the last time you met a 12-year-old who told you he or she wanted
to grow up to be an engineer?
Do Our Leaders Need a Slap in the Conscience?
Former Nixon White House Plumber Egil Krogh Offers and Ethics Toolbox.
The Global Warmer vs. the Ultra Green Machine
The Global Warmer vs. the Ultra Green Machine
Foul Emissions
How has so much propaganda about the “Rose City” spread so quickly?
Survival of the Poorest
A glut of nonprofits compete to demonstrate the most need.
Developing Sustainable Communities
As utility costs rise and concerns with climate change grow, it is apparent
that conservation, increased efficiency, and innovation are necessary to address our energy problems.
Will Your Next Bus Have Batteries?
They’re quieter and more comfortable, and Seattle leads the country with its hybrid transit buses. But this new technology doesn’t come cheap.
A Mind for Pool
To realize your full potential at pool you've got to master the mental game.
Sight Effects
How safe is laser eye surgery?
Home on the Range
Deschutes River Ranch—A Chance to Live the American Dream.
The Yasui Brothers Store
Simple Staples and Exotic Goods of Oregon History.
The Legacy of the Neanderthals
The Neanderthals are the nearest species preceding modern man.
Mexico One Plate At A Time
He takes us, with boyish enthusiasm, through Mexican markets, street stalls and home kitchens to bring us the great dishes of Mexico.
Complete Book of Astrology
The easiest way to learn astrology is to start with yourself.
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Quiet Time
Censorship is an insidious brutality. In this challenging time in America’s
history, you would think citizens would want more debate, not less.
The HSA Cure
Can Health Savings Accounts curb the rising cost of healthcare?

A Chance to Change Destiny
Capable, Interested, Motivated—Absolute Buy-In Required at De La Salle North High School
Gridlock is Good
A New Transportaion Vision.
School Talk
The Children’s Bill of Entitlements.
The Mystique of Marxism
The Mystique of Marxism. How Che became a windfall for global capitalists.
“Bait and Switch” Transit Planning in Oregon
An unfortunate legacy of Neil Goldschmidt …and a quick way to end it.
Let’s Not Wait Another 20 Years to Fix the Tax Code
Middle Class America Needs a Tax Cut and Deserves a Simpler Tax Code.
Dream Time
Quirky Details of Time and Space Complete a 1924 Kitchen Remodel.
From Dreams to Miracles
Blazer Development Builds Dreams for the Good Life and to Save Life.
What Does Yolo Mean?
Do you know what Yolo means?
Pyramid Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
This colorful math book introduces a novel visual method for students to master their conversions between fractions, decimals, and percentages.