A Storm of Our Own
Comparing the politics of Louisiana with Oregon
probably isn’t a perfect fit because, to put it delicately, Louisiana’s
political history is a bit more colorful than Oregon’s. After all,
Louisiana is the state where two-time governor Edwin Edwards, a convicted
felon, ran against the racist David Duke and won on the strength of his
bumper sticker, “Vote for the Crook, It’s Important.”
It’s also the home state of Huey Long, the populist depression
leader immortalized in Robert Penn Warren’s Pulitzer Prize-winning
novel, “All the King’s Men.”
And of course, there was Huey’s brother Earl Long, of whom Huey
once said, “Earl is my brother, but he’s crooked. If you live
long enough, he will double cross you.”
Earl Long once got elected to the governor’s office while residing
in a mental institution. About the state’s chronic corruption, he
warned that one day the voters would elect good government, and they wouldn’t
like it.
On Oct. 20, the voters of Louisiana decided to test Earl Long’s
aphorism by choosing good government, sending 36-year-old Republican Bobby
Jindal to the governor’s office. Jindal’s dramatic first ballot
total of more than 50 percent gave him outright victory without the traditional
runoff of the top two candidates two weeks later.
Jindal was born to Punjabi Indian immigrants in Baton Rouge. Educated
at Brown and Oxford, the Louisiana congressman is the first person of
color to be elected to statewide office. A few years ago, Jindal, who
was raised Hindu, converted to Catholicism — perhaps he surmised
that being Indian, Republican and Hindu might be too much even for Bayou
state residents.
The liberal national press may have tried to bury the Bobby Jindal political
miracle, but the public and voters have noticed. Jindal’s election
last month in the southern state most resistant to Nixon’s southern
GOP realignment strategy has given Republicans a shot in the arm nationally.
Jindal, with his Obama-like charisma, was recently described by James
Taranto in the Wall Street Journal as “an affable policy wonk with
a quick mind and a fascination with the details of governance.”
So how did a child of Indian immigrants get elected governor of Louisiana?
Losing half the population of the state’s biggest city, New Orleans,
seems to be enough to finally prod voters to change. In Taranto’s
pre-election Wall Street Journal profile, he writes that Jindal faulted
his home state’s Katrina response: “Congress has allocated
tens of billions of dollars, [Jindal] says, but a ‘very small percentage’
has reached struggling citizens and businesses.”
Jindal said, “The federal government’s got its own complicated
set of paperwork. But then after you finally navigate that, for the first
time ever, the state created its own additional bureaucracy on top of
that — they created it after Katrina — and so a lot of these
projects, their funding’s been approved … and that money is
getting caught up in Baton Rouge.”
In 2003, at the age of 32, Jindal lost a close contest to Gov. Kathleen
Blanco in his first attempt at statewide office. In the aftermath of Katrina,
the government’s poor response and the weak leadership of New Orleans
Mayor Ray Nagin and Blanco forced voters to reexamine the choice they
made in the 2003 gubernatorial election. They were ready last month to
make a correction.
What is the comparison between Louisiana’s appetite for change
and Oregon’s political landscape? Are Oregon voters tired of an
outdated, corrupt, heavy-handed ruling political establishment? Can they
afford it? Well, thankfully Oregon hasn’t had a Katrina to shake
up the masses. But Oregon has had the state’s leading political
figure, Neil Goldschmidt, shamed in public for raping a 14-year-old girl.
Oregon’s current governor, Ted Kulongoski, continues to deny that
he knew anything about Goldschmidt’s crimes, even though the governor’s
accuser, Fred Leonhart, signed a sworn affidavit stating otherwise and
passed a lie detector test conducted by the Oregon State Police. Leonhart’s
affidavit states that he informed Kulongoski on numerous occasions about
Goldschmidt’s transgressions.
Oregon voters have also witnessed city and state government waste millions
of dollars in unproductive investments, such as OHSU’s South Waterfront
neighborhood. And Oregonians have seen very few medium- or high-wage jobs
created in recent years. Add to that bad schools, terrible transportation,
an ineffective tax system, and a real estate recession looming. And Oregon
is perhaps the most public employee union-dominated state in the country.
This unhealthy — and growing — storm of controversies may
be our own unique Katrina.
Most importantly, Oregon, like Louisiana, sees its influence in the surrounding
region decreasing, as neighboring states boast a healthier economic climate.
Per capita income in both states is also declining. Writes the WSJ about
the Bayou state, “…while Louisiana has never had a reputation
for good government, neither has it always been known as a failed state.”
“Decades ago,” Jindal told the WSJ, “Louisiana was
ahead of the South … If you go back to the early ’60s —
if you’d gone back then and said Atlanta’s going to be the
capital of the New South, they would have laughed at you … New Orleans
was bigger than Miami. It wasn’t that long ago that we were the
gateway to Latin and Central America.”
The newly-elected governor says the state got caught up in a boom-and-bust
cycle. “The state had all these surpluses,” he told the WSJ,
“had all this oil and gas revenue, so there wasn’t the fiscal
constraint, there wasn’t the fiscal discipline … We’ve
used these dollars and created cycles for instant gratification.”
So, said Jindal, “Even before Katrina, as a state, we were 50th
in health outcomes. We were 50th in Forbes as a place to do business.”
(Forbes ranks Oregon 40th in economic climate.)
A generation ago, the first Arab-American governor, Vic Atiyeh, set out
to turn Oregon’s economy around. “You have to work just as
hard to keep businesses in the state as you do to get them,” he
told BrainstormNW in a previous interview. “My program was always
to help Oregon’s existing businesses. I also believed that whatever
I did to encourage businesses had to be universal. If it was good for
big business, then it had to be good for small business as well.”
Now in Louisiana, the first Punjabi Indian-American governor will try
to accomplish much the same in the Bayou state: Jindal is determined to
alter Louisiana’s direction, from failure to success.
In Louisiana it took Katrina to open voters’ minds. Is outright
catastrophe all that can jolt Oregonians out of their apathetic acceptance
of awful behavior and abysmal results? Or will Oregon’s storms of
controversy be enough to make voters seek a new direction? We may already
be on our way. Just ask those politicians who keep walking out in a huff
when asked to answer questions about their performance or behavior: Portland
Mayor Tom Potter and Gov. Kulongoski.
And if you get the chance, keep asking the tough questions.
BrainstormNW - November 2007