Governor Kitzhaber Welcomes President Obama’s Visit to Oregon
Looks Forward to Highlighting the State’s Innovative Job Strategies
Today Governor Kitzhaber welcomed the announcement of President Obama’s visit to Oregon next week and
showed his appreciation for the President’s interest in the state’s new strategies for job creation and ensuring long-term competitiveness.
“When the President decides to highlight your state’s approach, you know you’re doing something
innovative,” said Governor Kitzhaber. “Our position on the Pacific Rim makes us an ideal
trading partner with markets all over the world, especially those interested in our leadership on
innovative technologies, and Intel is a superb location to highlight the very cutting edge.”
Governor Kitzhaber has made getting Oregonians back to work his top priority, and his proposed
budget calls for significant investments in proven programs for providing sustainable,
living-wage jobs, as well as jobs for the new clean economy.
“I applaud the President’s recent call for making investments today in the next generation
of big ideas – including energy technology,” added Governor Kitzhaber, “The administration’s recent
decision on biomass allows Oregon to pursue a promising biomass energy industry where Oregon has a natural advantage.”
President Obama will be in Oregon on Friday, February 18th, where he will visit Intel Corporation’s Hillsboro campus.